In Loving Memory

Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never!
March 23, 2010 to May 6, 2020

Laddie has given me the most amazing journey & always made me look good. I will never forget his kind eyes, his sweet nature & tough work ethic. He has taken us places & we achieved so so many things that I could ever have dreamed of. Most of all, you loved a little girl & made her fall in love with horses.
RIP Laddie, you have taken a little piece of us with you.
Celebrations Tennessee Sunset
May 3rd, 2002 to October 18th, 2023

Tuff was an incredible youth horse teaching many kids the wonderful world of miniature horses. Tuff and Fiona had a special connection and we were so blessed to have him the little time that we did.
RIP Tuff, you were an amazing boy.